Thursday, January 20, 2011

Booksignings Coming Up

Dixie Lee Jackson's Guide to Cookin' and Kissin' will make its world debut at Lloyd Zimmer's Books and Maps, downtown Topeka, on February 4 at 5:30. The price is $15. Watch for me around 6:40 that morning on WIBW TV with Dave Johnson and Amanda Lanum.

This event coincides with First Friday Artwalk so after visiting Lloyd and me, check out the fabulous venues all over town.

The second booksigning is at the Topeka Shawnee County Public Library at 2 p.m., Sunday, February 6. This will include a presentation by myself. See all y'all there!

* * * * * *

Around eight inches of new snow in Topeka last night. That means "Snow Cream!"

Lots of facebook chatter about snow cream -- unheard of to some and a favorite childhood memory for others. I'm going to lean out the door soon and scoop some up myself. Get a big mixing bowl and get it plumb full of snow. CLEAN snow. Then sprinkle on about 3/4 cup of sugar (if you are accustomed to the taste of Splenda, it will work). Add a tablespoonful of Vanilla Extract. This the flavor of snow cream -- all the other ingredients, including the snow, are just about enhancing the flavor of vanilla. Add your milk very slowly because this mound of snow will just melt before your eyes. Mama used evaporated milk which adds a very rich flavor. Sweet milk will do fine, as long as it's whole milk. I can't imagine making this with skim milk.

Wrap up in a blanket and eat slowly because this will freeze you from the inside out, but it's worth it! I'm listening to B. B. King, "You Know I Love You," perfect snow cream song.


And who hasn't had a wine emergency?

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