Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Presentation, Presentation!

Spent the morning at Lloyd Zimmer, Books and Maps, setting up the display window for the February 4 booksigning. Cheryl Logan came by and offered her assistance, less things become too busy or, heaven forbid, tacky. When it was complete, Lloyd stepped out to the sidewalk and shook his head.

"My regular customers aren't going to know what to think!"

It's going to be an interesting evening!

Spent the afternoon at the library with Diana Friend and Susie Marchant (Susie is really responsible for Dixie's coming to be!). Preparations are being made the big launch event on February 6. It will truly be a "coming full circle" since Dixie Lee's very first performance was February two years ago. Wow! So much has happened since then! We made sweet potato sonker then. This time, I think we'll make buttermilk pie.

Y'all come!


  1. Such an adventure you are having!! Thanks for letting us follow along:)

  2. Bless your hearts! I'm just so proud to have you join me!
