Friday, February 4, 2011

Unsweetened Sweets

Y'all know I have a sweet tooth. But too much of that white, crystalline stuff can be hazardous to your health. (I'm all for getting your sugar somewhere else).

If you want something decadent for Valentine's Day, but you or your Sweetheart need to limit your sugar, have I got something wonderful for you!!!!

Amanda Lanum and Dave Johnson helped me make this on WIBW TV this morning and I'll already been swamped with requests for how it's done.

First, play Cally Krallman's torch-music CD. Woo! It's some sexy stuff! Wear your see-through apron. (Dave looked so cute in this!)

I get Pillsbury Sugar-Free Brownie Mix. Then, INSTEAD of oil, egg, and water, use a half cup to a cup of buttermilk. Buttermilk is magic. Now bake according to directions, about 25 minutes on 350 degrees.

Now for the topping: Take one package of cream cheese, softened, and cream together with a half cup or more of sour cream. Add Splenda to taste. Add vanilla. Add ALMOND flavoring. All to taste. This tastes so rich you can't believe it.
Now, to top that get sugar-free cherry pie filling. The only sugar in this dish is the natural sugar in the cherries.

Another variation on this brownie mix: Instead of oil, water, and egg add a half cup or so of buttermilk and about a cup of peanut butter. This is incredibly good!
Guiltless indulgence!!!

1 comment:

  1. Many years ago in New Orleans I was sick after eating at one of the famous restaurants. Our family of five had been permitted one big room on the strict promise that we would leave in the morning because all rooms had been reserved in advance of the SuperBowl.

    I spent the night in an armchair overlooking Bourbon Street -- which never stops. In the morning I trailed the family down to the restaurant, still almost nauseated at the thought of food. When the waitress got to me, I told her I wasn't sure I could eat anything. "Honey, I've got just the thing for you -- I'll bring you something you will just love." All this in her soft Southern drawl, with a look of genuine concern.

    I don't know whether it was her solicitiousness or the aroma, but I was suddenly better and ate every bite.

    Even back in the days when I still tried to cook, I was never able to re-create those rolls which smelled like yeast and tasted like biscuits.
